Things to Do in LA: TFS Subscriber describes her experience at Women Hold Up Half the Sky


Four friends, committed to social change and women’s rights, journeyed to the Skirball Center, recently to see Women Hold Up Half The Sky, based on the book, Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide, by Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn.

This inspiring exhibition looks at the paramount moral challenge of worldwide gender oppression: sexual trafficking, violence and maternal mortality. Concurrently it encourages our community to participate in the solutions, or ways to affect change, through education, labor and entrepreneurship.

We were incredibly moved by the breadth of its message. We heard international stories of perseverance, courage, and hope. We found interactive opportunities to get involved, and felt compelled to do so. Amazingly poignant was the representation of 60-120 million missing women around the globe, depicted by a wall of missing circles that in actuality would need to span to Santa Barbara. And then there was the Wish Canopy, an installation helping to “hold up the sky” where we wrote our hopes and dreams to women and girls throughout the world.

Don’t miss the final weeks of this important exhibition. Become an activist for social change.