Brush up on: Gender and Identity


Although this doc was made several years ago, Gender Revolution remains a relevant examination of all things related to gender and identity; I refer back to it frequently because it clears up all sorts of confusion by starting with the basics of vocabulary and ending in a place of radical empathy. This doc is framed cleverly as a journey – Katie Couric dives into learning about the issue after making an incorrect statement on national TV (and getting shamed for it!). Couric is a positive media example of someone who pivots from being blamed for something to being an example of getting it right, and makes the discomfort and confusion around talking about these issues the starting point for her exploration. It’s a comprehensive, and very useful piece of filmmaking.

Produced by National Geographic and streaming now on Disney + or with your Amazon Prime membership, it’s worth putting on your watch list this summer.

Here is a pamphlet that accompanied the show called “Intersex 101”.