In my new role as a consultant, I organized a conversation for Common Sense titled “Control the Scroll: Managing Social Media and Mental Health” with two LA resources — influencer and athlete Victoria Garrick and Dr. Dolly Klock (of Adolessons), as well as our moderator Carol Sutton Lewis (of Ground Control Parenting), and Dr. Danielle Ramo of the newly launched Be Me, a platform that helps kids manage mental health.
We designed this conversation to respond to the recent Wall Street Journal articles about Facebook’s knowledge of how it’s platform Instagram influences the mental health of youth (click here to learn more about the “Facebook Files”) and in particular teen girls. Click here for an hour long conversation designed to help all families consider their mental health and well being as it pertains to use of social media.
More about our panelists –
Victoria Garrick is a mental health advocate who, at age 25, has millions of followers on Tik Tok and Instagram (@victoriagarrick) – she was a Division I volleyball player at USC and did a Ted talk that captured a zeitgeist moment for athletes, as well as all kids, about fragile self-esteem and mental health. Learn more about her here.
Carol Sutton Lewis is the founder of Ground Control Parenting which is a resource for parents of black and brown children, with an emphasis on boys. Learn more about Carol and her work here.
Dr Dolly Klock is a wonderful resource for LA parents of adolescents and teens – she teaches kids and parents and schools about the intersection of puberty and technology, and is a wonderful advocate for education as a conduit to physical and mental health. Learn more about Dolly and Adolessons here.
Deborah Ramo PhD is a clinical psychologist and Chief Content Officer for the newly founded Be Me, a mobile digital mental health resource for teens. Learn more about Danielle here, and Be Me Health here.
You will find similarly useful conversations on Common Sense’s YouTube channels, which are updated regularly.